Rolex GMT-MASTER II 16710A Replica Watch Reviews

The Rolex GMT series was born in 1954. Its outer ring has been improved a lot. The material of the outer ring was changed from the earliest plastic material to aluminum alloy. The bezel began to use ceramic outer ring by 2005. Rolex replica watches launched the world’s first blue and black two-tone bezel in order to distinguish between day and night in the second time zone. The successful release of this replica watch has excited Rolex fans around the world. Each replica Rolex watch has its most unique design, and the unique optional rotating bezel is the most successful design of this Rolex GMT-MASTER II 16710A replica watch.

Rolex GMT-MASTER II 16710A replica watch


Model number16710A
MaterialCaseStainless steel Belt Stainless steel Dial Color Black
MovementAutomatic Chronometer with Cal.3185 Year of manufacture 1999
Waterproof performance100m water resistant
SizeCase: 40 mm (excluding crown)
Rolex GMT-MASTER II 16710A replica watch


The 40mm case is very ordinary. It was made of stainless steel. The overall design of the exact replica watch is simple, but also very clever. The case of the watch is silver. But the bezel is a red and black bezel. The scale on the bezel is white. Therefore, the time on the scale can be read clearly. The colors on the bezel are bright. This makes this imitation watch look brighter and more attractive. At the same time, the bezel of this perfect watch adds charm to this watch.

The outer periphery of the bezel is not smooth, but uneven. This special design makes this distinctive watch look more unique. Although this watch has a 40mm case, its crown is very small. But the crown of this Rolex imitation watch does not look small because of the raised protection design around the crown. The side curvature of the watch is perfect. The details are very detailed. Seen from the side, the tooth pattern of the bottom cover is clear and the depth is balanced. The perfect wire drawing process and the smooth and smooth polishing of the edges and corners make the whole watch more magnificent.


In addition to the unique bezel, the hands on the dial of the perfect copy watch Rolex are also very special. In addition to the three essential pointers on the dial, it also has a red pointer. This pointer is used to help read the second time zone time. Moreover, the red pointer and the red outer circle echo each other. This design makes the entire replica Rolex watch look beautiful and unique. Large hour markers coated with luminous material are used on the dial. They are more prominent in the black dial. Therefore, time reading is very convenient.


The polished bracelet looks brighter. It connects to the case well. The bracelet is strengthened and thickened. Therefore, the bracelet of this watch fake Rolex is very sturdy. The buckle on the bracelet is very safe. It prevents accidental opening of the buckle. Moreover, the cleverly designed Rolex easy-to-adjust link extension system installs on the buckle. It can stretch the bracelet. Therefore, it can ensure the comfort of the bracelet when it is worn again.
Rolex GMT-MASTER II 16710A replica watch


The red and black bezel of the Replica Rolex GMT Master II 16710 is a technical and aesthetic achievement of the Rolex replica watch. A watch with a second-time zone makes it easy for the wearer to become the focus of attention. All in all, this kind of colorful watch design is very successful, I believe many people will like it. What about you? Do you like it?Many people don’t know where to buy replica watches? This site recommends the swiss replica watches website, the price is right, and the quality is


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